Hello! Buna! Szia! Aloha! Hallo! Ciao! Namaste! Hola! Bonjour!
I’m open and thrilled to discuss your ideas, personal requirements, your wishes and wildest dreams for your shoot, so let's get in touch!
I’m open and thrilled to discuss your ideas, personal requirements, your wishes and wildest dreams for your shoot, so let's get in touch!
My name is Julia Oltean, I'm half Romanian-half Hungarian but consider myself a human species individual, thankful for living on this beautiful planet Earth.
My name is Julia Oltean, I'm half Romanian-half Hungarian but consider myself a human species individual, thankful for living on this beautiful planet Earth.
With an Engineering (PhD. in Industrial Engineering), Design and Learning And Development background, I find my balance in Yoga and Photography.
With an Engineering (PhD. in Industrial Engineering), Design and Learning And Development background, I find my balance in Yoga and Photography.
Painting with light (etymological meaning of photography) is part of our daily lives. It keeps us connected with the things we did, we loved, we shared. It help us remark, remember, understand.
Painting with light (etymological meaning of photography) is part of our daily lives. It keeps us connected with the things we did, we loved, we shared. It help us remark, remember, understand.
We will never live the same moment, same emotion again. Maybe this is why we wish to immortalise our most important days of our lives and why not our most intimate ones.
We will never live the same moment, same emotion again. Maybe this is why we wish to immortalise our most important days of our lives and why not our most intimate ones.
For me photography is besides this, THE WAY. The way to stay in THE NOW. Looking through the lens tunes me in the present moment, feeling part of this howl immense creation.
For me photography is besides this, THE WAY. The way to stay in THE NOW. Looking through the lens tunes me in the present moment, feeling part of this howl immense creation.
I am simply a tool through which the Divine records life. I feel grateful for having the chance to capture families, smiles and feelings.
I am simply a tool through which the Divine records life. I feel grateful for having the chance to capture families, smiles and feelings.